Things We Lost In the Fire
Label: Kranky
Catalog #: 4064386
There's a fuzzy feeling on some songs with a touch of distorted guitar, and the quality songwriting and singing we've all come to expect. Low can work at the most basic levels of voice, drum and guitar or with more orchestrated arrangements while constantly keeping the directness and strength of each song foremost.
Recorded by Steve Albini at Electrical Audio, Chicago, IL. Additional recording by Tom Herbers at Third Ear, Minneapolis, MN. Mixed by Steve Albini and Low. Mastered by John Golden. Written and performed by Low, with Marc De Gli Antoni (piano, keyboards, sampler), Daniel Huffman (guitar, loops, noises), Tresa Ellickson (viola), Jaron Childs (cello), Bob Weston (trumpet), Ida Pearle (violin), Zach Wallace (double bass), Dusty Sayre (backing vocals), and Hollis Mae (squeaks, yells).